
Shibari.ph is an educational resource and kink community for Japanese style rope bondage enthusiasts in the Philippines.

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Providing Aftercare

Just like how a sugar rush can be followed by a crash, the natural high we get from kink space can be met by a kink drop too.

Learn more about this curious phenomenon through the articles below!

References & Recommendations

RemedialRopes.com has some handy advice for what you can do after a session to help bring your partner and yourself back to normalcy and mitigate the depression-like symptoms of kink drop.

KeepingItKinky.net: Kashiko Black writes: “All scenes, no matter what their focus is, should include some kind of aftercare component. In its most basic form, aftercare can be thought of as the willingness to support your partner after a play session to ensure return to an everyday state of mental and emotional equilibrium.”